Junkfood Science: Scholastic update

October 12, 2007

Scholastic update

For the multitude of readers who have written in response to yesterday’s story, here is additional information that may be of help.

Parents, health and education professionals and child advocates have flown into action to protect children of all sizes from the false, prejudicial and harmful information in Scholastic’s new Food Detective game and lesson plans that are being distributed to 5,000 elementary schools to teach them “healthy” eating and exercise. Yesterday, Kell Brigan began organizing the avalanche of distraught and outraged parents, health and education professionals, advocates and anti-bullying groups. A letter writing campaign is now in full swing.

At her website, you’ll find contact information and links to officials at Kaiser, California Dept. of Education Anti-bullying, and Scholastic’s headquarters. Letters to local school boards, PTAs, school administrators and bookstores have also been suggested. A sample letter, drafted by a parent, has been made available.

As the adage goes, people are mad as hell and not going to take this childhood obesity lunacy anymore.

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