Junkfood Science: Thinking bloggers

March 18, 2007

Thinking bloggers

Wow, Dr. Rob, who writes a great blog called Distractible Mind, has sort of tagged me for the Thinking Blogger Award. Thank you so much. I am sincerely humbled and most appreciative of the honor. While I'm relatively new to blogging, I've already become convinced that there's lots better information, thinking and analysis available in the blog world than most mainstream media. To be among such good company has been my privilege.

I am sorry, however, that I leave Dr. Rob feeling so spent that he has to take a long nap after reading my stuff. :)

But then again, perhaps that’s a good thing. He may be interested in the latest study showing that naps are good for men’s hearts. Honest. I read about it in a press release ....from Harvard School of Public Health. Their study, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, dredged through data on 23,681 people in Greece and found that siestas were associated with a 37% lower risk of coronary deaths among the working men. The correlation wasn’t significant among retirees or working women, but we can disregard those paradoxes for ... a good excuse for a nap.

It appears there are certain obligations to this tagging, so I best comply lest blog bad luck befall me. I’m told that there are three simple rules:

1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.

2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.

3. Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote.

It’s hard to narrow down my tags to five blogs that make me think. I read hundreds from so many different genres, but many are more to annoy myself with their kooky ideas and to make sure that there isn’t something I haven’t considered. Surely, you don’t want to hear about those!

In addition to Dr. Rob’s own blog, I echo his great admiration for Dr. Clark Bartram at Unintelligent Design and Shinga at Breath Spa For Kids. Kindred spirits they are in their love for children, good science and quality care, and passion for critical examinations of pseudoscience. Since, those are second nominations, I will count them as one.

Among the other blogs I admire for stimulating my brain and most often making me cheer “Yes!” are:

Dr. Sidney Smith at Medpundit. She may be surprised to learn that I’ve been a fan of her blog for years, but she’s so good that I long ago disregarded a temporary lapse. She often beats me to the punch, leaving me to toss my posts before they hit Blogger. Her hiatus left me pining and I’m glad she’s back.

Other brilliant minds and shining lights of reason, whose blogs are in my top 5 list are:

Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry: A Closer Look

Photon in the Darkness

EoR at The Second Sight

PS. I am always be happy to dine and have some sort of fancy cocktail in a funky glass.

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