Living on rice cakes, fruit and water

The Sun talked with model Tarryn Meaker this past week to learn what really happens behind-the-scenes of fashion. Meaker is now a healthy size 16 and “loves her body.” She revealed: “The fashion trade is riddled with drug addiction, manipulative agencies and eating disorders:”
“I don’t know how much I weighed at my lowest, but when I look at the pictures now I was really skinny. I look ill. At the time I was looking in the mirrors and seeing fat. As well as not eating I was taking handfuls of diet pills — most have been banned now because they are so dangerous. Every time I ate too much, I would take more pills. Of course my health suffered...”
“There was a procession of people telling me, ‘You’re fat,’ ‘Your skin’s bad’ or ‘You’re ugly.’ As a teenager just learning about myself and my body, it was crushing...”
“I have lived and worked with fashion models all over the world, and it’s a mess. I saw models on strange diets, drugs, coffee and cigarettes . . . all the clichés are clichés because they are true. The turning point for me was reading all about myself in a college book. I was studying psychology and when I read a description of a textbook bulimic I realised I was reading about me.”
“It wasn’t as easy as turning a switch off because controlling what I ate had become such a part of my life. But I re-prioritised and now I am just enjoying the job without obsessing about what I look like. I’m still working and am so much happier now — and there’s no price you can put on that.”

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