
March 12, 2008

Honor student suspended for Skittles

A top academic achiever and eighth grade class Vice President in a New Haven school was suspended for buying a bag of Skittles. Candy violates the school’s “wellness” policy. Is this evidence of a “healthy” school environment or of “unhealthy” food paranoia surrounding school children today?

Student suspended for buying candy in school

The New Haven schools superintendent said Wednesday that he will review a principal's decision to suspend an eighth-grade student for buying candy in school. Michael Sheridan was stripped of his title as class vice president, barred from attending an honors student dinner and suspended for a day after buying a bag of Skittles from a classmate.

The New Haven school system banned candy sales in 2003 as part of a districtwide school wellness policy, said school spokeswoman Catherine Sullivan-DeCarlo… Superintendent Reginald Mayo said Wednesday that Sheridan Middle Schoolprincipal Eleanor Turner just wanted to keep students safe…