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Nominated Best New MedBlog for 2006

Best Medical/Health Issues Blog 2008 - Silver
Anti-quackery, Health Fraud and Critical Thinking on Science and Health
- Number Watch - Debunking misleading scary numbers
- * The Little Handbook of Statistical Practice by Gerard E. Dallal, Ph.D., Tufts University
- Nightingale Collaboration
- Science-Based Pharmacy
- Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) First
- Edzard Ernst, MD, PhD
- Social Issues Research Centre
- H2O.con - Water Pseudoscience and Quackery, chemist Dr. Stephen Lower
- Dihydrogen Monoxide Organization (understanding chemicals and internet science)
- Testing Treatments-Better Research For Better Healthcare
- Kentucky Council Against Health Fraud
- Skeptical OB, Dr. Amy Tuteur
- Naturopathic Diaries Science-Based Guide to Natural Health
Medicine, Medical Ethics and Policy Issues
- Cochrane Collaboration - Source for evidence in health care
- Cornwall Alliance
- E-Medicine clinical review articles
- Worst Pills-Best Pills-Prescription drug info from Public Citizen's Health Research Group
- FDA-drug safety information
- Therapeutics Initiative - scientific reviews of drugs approved in Canada
- Citizen's Council for Health Freedom
- FIRM: Freedom and Individual Rights in Medicine
- Patient Privacy Rights
- National Bioethics Commission Archives
- Human Exceptionallism by Wesley J. Smith
- Bioethics Defense Fund
- Rebel.MD, The Voice of Hippocratic Medicine in America
- The Death of Humane Medicine and The Rise of Coercive Healthism by Petr Skrabanek
- Imposed Death, Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide
- Pro-life Healthcare Alliance
- Informed-A Guide for Critical Medical Decisions
- Two Decades to an American Culture of Death
- Illinois Family Institute
Critical Thinking on General Science, Energy, Education and Policy
- Bad Science Watch
- CFACT (Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow)
- Warning Signs: Facts Not Fantasy, by Alan Caruba
- Bjorn Lomborg: Our priorities for saving the world — Copenhagen Consensus
- Power Line
- William M. Briggs, Statistician
- Daniel Horowitz
- JunkScience
-, Education Action Group Foundation, by Kyle Olson
- Pioneer Institute, Public Policy Research
- Hillsdale College Imprimis
- Truth in American Education
- The College Fix
- National Wind Watch
- Principia Scientific International
- Watts Up With That? Anthony Watts
- Carbon Sense Coalition
Food Science, Production, Safety, and Policy
- Food Safety A to Z
- Council for Agricultural Science and Technology
- America's Farmers
- Fight Bac-Food safety education
- International Atomic Energy Agency (Food Irradiation, Nuclear safety)
- Egg Nutrition Center - Research and education
- Ocean Trust - Peer-reviewed science on sustainability of fisheries
- Positive Aquaculture Awareness
- Salmon Farm Science
Alternative General News Sources
- NewsMax
- Salem Radio News Network
- Zero Hedge
- Liberty Daily
- American Thinker
- Breitbart
- Lockdown Skeptics
- Off Guardian
- Freedom Advocates
Junkfood Science Bariatric Series
- Special: Bariatric surgery — the most life-altering decision you'll ever make
- Unprecedented campaign to force insurers to cover bariatric procedures
- When scares become deadly — weighing the actual risks of dying of obesity
- Selling an elective surgery
- Why we never hear, why people don't talk and why people don't want to know...
- Rumor versus facts
- Note from Dani
- Losing more than expected
- Was this really proof that bariatric surgeries save lives?
- The latest research on actual deaths seen after surgery for weight loss
- Show Biz Medicine (bariatrics in teens)
- The other side of the story Part one, Part Two
- Is bariatric surgery really a cure for sleep apnea?
- No evidence that bariatric surgeries save healthcare costs or save lives
- Surgery is not for two (pregnancy after bariatric surgery
- Chocolate Cake
- Bariatric surgery for diabetic teens — in their best interests?
Junkfood Science Obesity Paradox Series
- Say it isn't so
- Obesity Paradox #1
- Obesity Paradox #2 — How can it be a disease if it has health benefits?
- Obesity Paradox #3
- Obesity Paradox #4
- A Baby Paradox
- Big Bad Bones
- When does it stop becoming a paradox?
- Reading in the dark will make you go blind?
- Obesity Paradox #9 — Fat on the brain
- News women can use
- When fat (dare I say it?) is a good thing
- It’s better to die of HIV than be fat?
- Obesity Paradox #13—Take heart
- Obesity Paradox #14-Critical Illness
- Obesity Paradox #15 — No need to stroke out
- Obesity Paradox #16 - Two for One
- Obesity Paradox #17 — Fat and risks for premature babies
- JFS Special Report: Obesity Statisticulation
- Paradoxes Compel Us to Think (& Fitness Paradox)
- Paradoxes Compel Us to Think part 2 (& Weight Loss Paradox)
- Does it really matter how your numbers measure up?
- Figure Flaw Paradox: Does it really matter how your body measures up? Part 2
- Even obesity paradoxes can't "excuse" fatness
Body Weight Issues and Resources
- Spiked-Online obesity articles
- Fat Friendly Health Professionals
- Seatbelts for Larger Passengers
- Health Products for Large People
- Men in Full - Their generous form in art and experience
- Talk to Kids about Body Image
- The Plus-Size Pregnancy Website
- Andrea's Voice Foundation - Disordered Eating and Related Issues
- Eating Difficulties Education Network (EDEN)
- ANAD-Facts about eating disorders
- I was a fat kid...and this is my story
- A Place at the Table - memorial for those who've died from size prejudice
- OSSG Gone Wrong: Information and support for bariatric surgery complications
- Dr. Wes
- Retired Doc's Thoughts
- Neurologica by Dr. Steven Novella
- Eco Mythsmith
- Mike's Eyes
- Scientific Misconduct
- Liberty Papers
- Dr. Helen
- DC's Improbable Science
- Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry
- Privacy International
- The Reference Frame
Classics-Oldies but goodies
- The Emperor's New Crisis
- Better to die young than get fat
- Bon Appetit
- Father Knows Best
- Please Pass the cake
- What the researchers didn't find
- Loopy Links
- Hey Feds, weight a minute
- To Panic or Not to Panic - Farmed Salmon: Anatomy of a False Scare
Good books
- Junkscience Judo by Steve Milloy
- Epidemiologists — Have they got scares for you! by John Brignell
- Never Too Thin: Why Women Are at War With Their Bodies by Roberta Pollack Seid
- The Dieter’s Dilemma by William Bennett and Joel Gurin
- Health Food Junkies by Steven Bratman
- Ominous Paralells by Leonard Peikoff
- Liberty and Tyranny by Mark Levin
- The Last Well Person by Nortin Hadler
- Tyranny of Health: Doctors and the Regulation of Lifestyle by Michael Fitzpatrick
- War Against the Weak by Edwin Black
- The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide by Dr. Robert Jay Lifton
- The Great Cholesterol Con— The truth about what really causes heart disease by Malcolm Kendrick
- The Vitamin Pushers—How the “health food” industry is selling America a bill of goods by Stephen Barrett and Victor Herbert
- How to lie with statistics by Darrell Huff
- Worst Pills, Best Pills by Sidney M. Wolfe etal.
- Panic Nation by Stanley Feldman and Vincent Marks
- Selling Sickness by Ray Moynihan
- Dumbth—The lost art of thinking by Steve Allen
- Real Kids Come in All Sizes by Kathy Krater
- Rethinking Obesity: An Alternative View of Its Health Implications by Paul Ernsberger and Paul Haskew
- The Invisible Woman: Confronting Weight Prejudice in America by Charisse Goodman
- Tipping the Scales of Justice—Fighting Weight Based Discrimination by Sondra Solovay
- The Body Project—An intimate history of American Girls by Joan Jacobs Brumberg
- Chemical Sensitivity— The truth about environmental illness by Stephen Barrett and Ronald Gots
- The Truth about Organic Foods by Alex Avery
- Fat!So? Because You Don't Have to Apologize For Your Size by Marilyn Wann
- Losing It: False Hopes and Fat Profits in the Diet Industry by Laura Fraser
- Taking up Space by Pattie Thomas
- Fat is Contagious: How Sitting Next to a Fat Person Can Make YOU Fat by Kimberly Brittingham
- The Saggy Baggy Elephant - Golden Books
- I Like Me by Nancy Carlson
- Ominous Parallels by Leonard Peikoff
- Snake Oil Medicine by R. Barker Bausell
- Trick or Treatment by Simon Singh and Edzard Ernst
- Dread: How Fear and Fantasy have Fueled Epidemics from the Black Death to the Avian Flu by Philip Alcabes
- November 2006
- December 2006
- January 2007
- February 2007
- March 2007
- April 2007
- May 2007
- June 2007
- July 2007
- August 2007
- September 2007
- October 2007
- November 2007
- December 2007
- January 2008
- February 2008
- March 2008
- April 2008
- May 2008
- June 2008
- July 2008
- August 2008
- September 2008
- October 2008
- November 2008
- December 2008
- January 2009
- February 2009
- March 2009
- April 2009
- May 2009
- June 2009
- July 2009
- August 2009
- September 2009
- October 2009
- February 2025
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